Liability Release for Transportation/Medical Agreement

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Concerning Your Child or Children

Concerning the Parent(s)

In consideration of the right to participate in this activity, I release any and all claims for damages and losses suffered by me or my minor teen as a result of said participation against St. Nicholas Orthodox Christian Church and any officers or agents thereof.

I give permission for my youth to be driven in a parent/volunteer vehicle and go on supervised walks.

I understand that if the leaders/chaperones deem medical care to be needed, I will be contacted for my permission to treat. If I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission for the leaders/chaperones to seek medical treatment and for my youth named above to be treated. I have both read and understand all of the above.

By typing my full name below, I am providing my full and legal electronic signature and consent to all of the terms and conditions expressed in this e-form.


Please fill out this form and click submit.