Parent/Guardian Information
Non-Parental Emergency Contact Information
Other than the Parents/Guardians listed above, I give permission for my child(ren) to be released from Youth Program events to the individual listed below:
Medical Information: Physicians/Medical Offices will Only be Contacted in the Event of an Emergency and if Parents/Emergency Contacts Cannot be Reached.
If your Children have Different Physicians, Please Indicate as Necessary.
I hereby acknowledge that all of the information provided by myself in this e-form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that is my full responsibiity to notify the Youth Director of St. Nicholas Orthodox Christian Church should ANY changes occure with the information I have provided in this e-form.
I understand that the parish is not responsible for supervising minors before or after formal Youth Programing start and end times. As the parent/guardian of the minors listed, I understand that I am required to supervise my minors at all times outside of formal Youth Programming events on parish grounds.
By providing my name below, I am offering my legal signature and am consenting to the use of this e-form by the Youth Director and Youth Ministry Team of St. Nicholas Orthodox Christian Church.